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Show: Friday, February 27th, 9PM at Mike N Molly’s!

We’re excited to announce another show at Mike N Molly’s!

We’re opening for Jamaican Queens, from Detroit (, and Mike Adams at His Honest Weight, from Bloomington, IN ( Looking forward to hearing both of these bands!

If you missed us in December, or if you made it to the show in December and had a good time and would like to have a similar experience again only with two different other bands, mark your calendars!


We’re busy recording for our first release—an EP we’re aiming to put out in the spring. The EP will include a couple of songs from the demo on our site and several new ones.  Here’s Frank helping us out in the studio Duncanmaurer on our first day of the sessions.

2015-01-24 13.40.11

SHOW: Saturday, December 6th, 9PM at Mike N Molly’s!

We’re very excited to be playing at Mike N Molly’s!

We open for Me Jane out of Chicago and fellow locals The ACME Principle. Cover $7. We go on first, so be there early for a drink and stay for a night of great music!

Here are two more songs we recorded live in our dining room.

Reasonably Clueless:

High Five:

First show!

Hey! We’re opening for Hi Ho Buffalo at 8:00PM on Friday, April 11th! We’ll be in a temporary art gallery at 311 S. Neil St. (former Kirby Tire location) as part of the Boneyard Arts Festival.

There will be much to see, hear, and do at the Boneyard Arts Festival–and with many more details now up on the website, it might be a good time to start planning your weekend of art and music. Here’s Friday and Saturday information for Champaign venues:, and Urbana venues:  We’re excited to be a part of this event and to live in a community full of arts!